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News and Updates :  
. : | : . posted on 1 Sept 2006 by Foxxy

" Public Appearances " Photos :

.: Golden Camera Awards Show In Berlin (4 February ) : { 5 photos }
Murder By Numbers Premiere Ziegfeld Theatre In New York (16 April) : { 5 photos }

Kiefer Sutherland Sur Hugh Grant (The

At the very peak of his profession, having picked up the best leading actor award at the weekend's Emmys, the star of 24, Kiefer Sutherland, confesses to a little career envy. He'd like to be Hugh Grant. Well, to have Grant's comedic timing, at least. "I love watching romantic comedies like Love, Actually. It's a real skill to be able to do that on camera with a script, and it's a skill I admire," says Sutherland. "That dance sequence that Hugh does? I'd rather stick a javelin in my eye than have to do that myself, but I loved watching it. There's a grace and an ease with Hugh Grant whereas with me I've never felt that comfortable doing what I'm doing - Four Weddings and a Funeral would be better for me."

À l 'apogée de sa profession, ayant reçu la principale meilleure récompense aux Emmys Awards, la star de 24, l'acteur Kiefer Sutherland, admet à une petite envie de carrière. Il voudrait être Hugh Grant. Bien, pour son talent dans des comédies, au moins."j'aime regarder des comédies romantiques comme Love Actually. C'est un vrai talent de pouvoir faire cela devant la camera avec un script, et c'est une compétence que j'admire " dit Sutherland. "Et cette scène où Hugh danse? Je m'arracherai les yeux plutot que de devoir le faire moi-même, mais j'aime le regarder. Il y a une grace et une facilité chez Hugh Grant tandis que moi je ne me suis jamais senti à l'aise dans ce que je fais - Quatre Mariages Et Un Enterrement aurait été mieux pour moi."

New Miscellaneous & Photoshoots Galleries !
. : | : . posted on 31 Aug 2006 by Foxxy

" Miscellaneous " Paparazzi Galleries :
.: 4 NOV 2004 : RESTAURANT IN MADRID { 2 photos }

.: 19 JUNE 1999 : MUSEUM OF MODERN ART IN PARIS { 4 photos }
.: 6 JAN 2000 : SAINT BARTHELEMY { 5 photos }

" Scans & Photoshoots " Photos :

.: UNKNOWN PHOTOSHOOT 5 { 6 photos }
.: UNKNOWN PHOTOSHOOT 6 { 5 photos }
.: UNKNOWN PHOTOSHOOT 7 { 4 photos }
.: UNKNOWN PHOTOSHOOT 8 { 15 photos }



British director RICHARD CURTIS' 1999 movie NOTTING HILL nearly saw JULIA ROBERTS' character losing HUGH GRANT to another woman - but the film-maker couldn't face an unhappy ending. Curtis was originally keen for a more down-to-earth character to win the heart of Grant - who played WILLIAM THACKER - but it wasn't to be. He says, "Notting Hill took forever to write, mainly because there was a six-month period where it was going to be about a choice: Hugh's character choosing between Julia's famous girl, and a girl called HONEY, a local shop girl. "Eventually, in the finished version of that film he chose the shop girl - and Julia's character arrived in England on the day of the wedding. "You thought she was going to mess everything up but instead, she arrived at the reception, and sang TAKE GOOD CARE OF MY BABY by BOBBY VEE. "I eventually couldn't bear writing a film where someone really fell in love with someone else, and then just dumped them - so I made Honey into Hugh's sister and made everything turn out peachy for the actress."

Le directeur RICHARD CURTIS britannique du film NOTTING HILL en 1999, a presque vu le personnage de JULIA ROBERTS perdre HUGH GRANT pour une autre femme - mais le réalisateur de film ne pourrait pas faire face à une fin malheureuse. Curtis était à l'origine pour qu' un personnage, plus terre-à-terre , gagne le coeur de Grant - qui jouait WILLIAM THACKER - mais il en a été autrement. Il a dit, " l'écriture de Notting Hill a pris beacoup de temps, principalement parce qu'il y a eu une période de 6 mois où il a fallu faire un choix: Le personnage de Hugh choisissant entre la fille célèbre de Julia, et une fille appelée HONEY, une commerçante locale. "Par la suite, dans la version finale de ce film il choisit la fille du magasin - et le personnage de Julia arrive en Angleterre le jour du mariage. "Vous avez pensé qu'elle allait totu gacher mais à la place, elle arrive à la réception, et chante TAKE GOOD CARE OF MY BABY de BOBBY VEE. "Mais je ne pourrais pas supporter d'écrire un film où quelqu'un tombe vraiment amoureux de quelqu'un d'autre, et que leur amour tombe juste à l'eau - ainsi j'ai transformé HONEY en la soeur de Hugh et tout se passant bien pour l'actrice."

News & Interviews
. : | : . posted on 30 Aug 2006 by Foxxy

Expert Analysis getting deep about the superficial Hugh is where the Chicago Sun-Times,  Aug 13, 2006  by Paige Wiser

There's a puzzling dichotomy to Hugh Grant. Is he the charming, affable stutterer of "Four Weddings and a Funeral"? Or the lecherous cad of "Bridget Jones' Diary"? Only his aura reader knows for sure. We asked Rose Rosetree, the author of Aura Reading Through All Your Senses, to take a closer look at the lanky Englishman. Her first impression: Grant has a lot of physical intelligence. "Probably more than people give him credit for, Rosetree says. "It's almost as though he can step outside himself when he's acting and move his body into the positions that will be the most effective for the role. For him, the most casual movement or gesture is by intention. And he's got a real flair for physical comedy. If he wanted to do Charlie Chaplin slapstick, he could do that. Brilliantly." Grant's sex aura is a little scary. "It's the kind of oversize sex appeal that you might envy, unless you thought for two seconds what it would be like to live with it," Rosetree says. "According to this chakra, he is one of the sexiest people on the planet." Usually, Rosetree can read an aura from a photo with her hand a few inches from it. "To really capture how far his sex appeal sticks out, I'd have to jump through the wall in my office and go out about a mile.""Even if Hugh was in a hotel ballroom, with lots of other people around, you would find that your knees would begin to knock together, and you'd drool, whether you're male or female. He's that sexual." But Grant, of course, is not just a piece of meat. Over at his intellectual chakra, Rosetree finds a separation between mind and heart. "The result of his education has structured something interesting in this part of his aura," she says. "The best way to describe it is it's the intellectual equivalent of a stutter. It's as though he can freeze frame anything and analyze it. If he ever needed an extra job besides 'sexy persona' and 'actor,' he'd make an incredible coach. He knows how to break things down to the tiniest little bits." The heart handles it Grant's heart chakra is well protected. He has five walls around it, Rosetree says, and each is very thick. "This is a way he's learned to handle being that sexy and getting that kind of reaction from people," Rosetree says. But it's not the most effective way. "He also has the gift that I call 'emotional intuition.' That means that if he's in the room with you and he's paying attention, he will know exactly what you're feeling." He doesn't have the heart of a cad. "He has the heart of an extremely shy and caring person," Rosetree says. But he also projects loneliness. Those five walls make it awfully hard to get to know him. The communication chakra is "really special," Rosetree says. "He has this laser-like wit. If he could write his own material, it would probably be better than what you find in his movies." He sees through you Grant has an ability to see through hypocrisy, she says. "One of his passions is that he really likes it when people tell the truth and live the truth. His sense of humor is finely tuned to strip away all the lies he finds around him." Another job possibility: philosopher. Grant's third eye -- the spirituality center -- shows good, solid religious education: "It was enough to scare him at one point," Rosetree says. "Now he just puts it off to one side. He's not religious, and not weird about it. But he's received a lot of programming that told him he's going to go to hell." His high heart chakra is more illuminating. "It is glorious!" Rosetree says "He does things that make him happy in life. And he's doing a real service to humanity." How? "When you watch a Hugh Grant performance, you are captivated by his sexiness and the dry wit and the fabulous intellect and the sweet heart underneath the five walls. While all this is going on, he's changing your aura. He's teaching your aura something about how to live." All actors and performers do this, Rosetree says, at least the ones we're interested in watching. "He's got real star staying power," Rosetree says. "He's teaching us to pay attention to the truth, to find out for ourselves what's real." Rosetree would sum him up with five words: "The sexy philosopher in disguise.""There's a lot to admire about Hugh," Rosetree says. Intrigued by auras? Visit
'Divine' retribution: The world will never let him forget his illegal tryst with Hollywood hooker Divine Brown. could it be? In "Restoration," Grant looks nothing like his typical cute self.

Sunday Mirror,  Aug 13, 2006  by SUZANNE KERINS

HUGH Grant and Jemima Khan are to marry - ending months of speculation about the state of their two-year romance.But the actor and his heiress girlfriend, the daughter of late billionaire Sir Jimmy Goldsmith, won't make it down the aisle for another TWO YEARS because of his filming commitments.Bridget Jones star Hugh, 46, and socialite Jemima, 32, have hired celebrity "life stylist" Nick Ede to make it a fairytale wedding.A pal revealed: "Hugh and Jemima have had their ups and downs. But they're the happiest they've been in a long time. They both feel that the time is right for them to make that commitment to each other."Hugh has been filming Music and Lyrics with Drew Barrymore in New York.The friend added: "He's really busy - that's why they've decided to get married in 2008. Jemima is not complaining - it gives her time to make sure their wedding is perfect."

HUGH Grant et Jemima Khan doivent marier - après des mois de spéculation sur l'état de leur romance de deux ans.Mais l'acteur et sa petite amie d'héritière, la fille du défunt milliardaire monsieur Jimmy Goldsmith , ne le feront pas avant DEUX ANNÉES en raison de ses engagements de tournage.Hugh la star de bridget Jones, 46, et Jemima, 32, ont appelé Nick Ede une "styliste de vie" de célébrités pour leur faire un mariage digne d'un conte de fée.Une soruce a indiqué: "Hugh et Jemima ont des hauts et des bas. Mais plus ils sont ensemble , plus ils sont heureux. Ils ressentent tous les deux que c'est le bon moment pour s'engager ." Hugh était en tournage sur Music And Lyrics By avec Drew Barrymore à New York. Un ami a ajouté : "il est vraiment occupé et c'est pourquoi il a décidé de se marier en 2008. Jemima ne s'en plaint pas - il lui donnele temps de s'assurer que leur mariage sera parfait."

" Interviews " :
American Way (American airline's inflight magazine) (15.05.2002) (Thanks to Sara )
The Telegraph Newspaper (31.03.2003)
(Thanks to Sara )

" Filmographie " : "Music And Lyrics By" Section.

New Huge Miscellaneous Galleries !
. : | : . posted on 29 Aug 2006 by Foxxy


" Miscellaneous " Galleries :
.: 9,10 AUG 2006 : CORNWALL, BRITAIN { 16 photos }
.: JAN 2006 & DEC 2004 : BARBADOS, WEST INDIES { 34 photos }
.: FEBRUARY 2005 : VAL D'ISERE, FRANCE { 7 photos }
.: JUNE 2005 : PORTOFINO, ITALY { 10 photos }
.: 25 MAY 2000 : LONDON { 6 photos }

................................................................................................................................................. AND MORE

" Public Appearances " Galleries :
.: About A Boy (Pour Un Garçon) Premiere In Amsterdam : { 4 photos } ( Thanks to Cindy )
.: CNNTime Warner Election Night Party In London (3 November) : { 3 photos }
.: Love Actually Premiere In New York (6 November) : { 3 photos }
.: Love Actually Premiere In Munich (14 November) : { 10 photos }
.: Love Actually Premiere In Paris (17 November) : { 5 photos }
.: About A Boy (Pour Un Garçon) Premiere At Grand Rex In Paris (22 October) : { 5 photos }
.: Miss Congeniality 2 Premiere In London (9 March) : { 9 photos }

New Public Appearances & Photoshoots Galleries !
. : | : . posted on 27 Aug 2006 by Foxxy

" Public Appearances " Galleries :
.: On the Set of Music and Lyrics By In New York (3-4 April / 23 June) : { 81 photos }
(thanks to

" Scans & Photoshoots " Photos :
.: PHOTOSHOOT BY GINO SPRIO (JANUARY 1, 1994) { 8 photos }

.: PHOTOSHOOT BY WAYNE STAMBLER (1995) { 23 photos }
.: UNKNOWN DARK PHOTOSHOOT (1993) { 12 photos }
.: UNKNOWN PHOTOSHOOT (2003) { 7 photos }
.: UNKNOWN PHOTOSHOOT 1 { 4 photos }
.: UNKNOWN PHOTOSHOOT 2 { 4 photos }
.: UNKNOWN PHOTOSHOOT 3 { 16 photos }
.: UNKNOWN PHOTOSHOOT 4 { 11 photos }

Si vous savez d'où viennent les photoshoots inconnus (année, magazine, photographe), dites le moi svp. Et je rapelle que toutes vos donations (photos, videos, interviews..) au site sont les bienvenues ;)

If you know where the unknown photoshoots came from (year , magazine, photograph..), tell me please. And all your donations (photos, videos, interviews..) for the site are welcome ;)

New Miscellaneous & Photoshoots Galleries !
. : | : . posted on 22 Aug 2006 by Foxxy

" Miscellaneous " Galleries :
Various Houses : In Los Angeles & London , With Jemima Khan : In Portofino (9-9-05)
With Liz Hurley , Sporty Hugh , Paparazzi,TV Shows : Charlie Rose Shows...

" Scans & Photoshoots " Photos :

" Interviews " :
Vanity Fair Magazine (05.2003) (Thanks to Sara )
SPLICEDwire Interview In San Francisco (08.06.1999)
Weekly Variety Magazine, Article (12.16.2002)

Site Section Upload : Donations , Link Me , Disclamer and Thanks To

News & Galleries & Filmographie & New Affiliates !
. : | : . posted on 13 Aug 2006 by Foxxy

Keira Knightley, Hugh Grant, Jemima Khan et John Leslie ont été nommés comme les personnes les plus importantes victimes de piratages téléphoniques. La police travaillait au départ sur l'interception de messages téléphoniques du Prince William, quand elle a débouché sur une douzaine de figures publiques. Le responsable, Clive Goodman, l'éditeur du News of the World magazine doit apparaitre devant le tribunal ce mercredi. Ce piratage a permis grace à 250 journalistes, les douzaines d'exclusivités les dernieres semaines, comme la relation de Keira Knightley avec l'acteur Rupert. Un journaliste affirme que c'est une routine d'utiliser ce genre de pratiques surtout pour les histoires de "kiss and tell"...

Keira Knightley, Hugh Grant, Jemima Khan and John Leslie were named last night as the latest victims of illegal phone hacking. The names emerged as police, initially investigating the suspected interception of phone messages intended for Prince William, widened their investigation to take in dozens of high-profile public figures. Clive Goodman, the News of the World's royal editor, is due to appear in court on Wednesday charged with a string of offences relating to intercepted voicemail messages.This hacking allowed thanks to 250 journalists, the dozen exclusivenesses the last weeks, like the relation of Keira Knightley with the Rupert actor. One ex-tabloid journalist said it was "routine" to hack into mobile voicemails, especially to confirm "kiss and tell" stories.

"Public Appearances" : Notting Hill Premieres in New York (1999), 49th Cannes Festival (1996), BAFTA Awards In Los Angeles (1996), 50th Cannes Festival (1997), Mickey Blue Eyes Premieres (1999), Grand Prix De Monaco (1998), Mickey Blue Eyes Photocall In Cannes (1998) , Extreme Measures Premieres (1996-1997 ) , EDTV Premiere (1999), Environnemental Media Awards (1997), Elizabeth Taylor 65th birthday celebration (1997), Sense & Sensibility Premiere (1995).

" Filmographie " : About A Boy , Love Actually , Two Weeks Notice

Some New Affiliates !

Some More New Interviews And Videos
. : | : . posted on 10 Aug 2006 by Foxxy

" Interviews ": Esquire Online Version, Article (2002) , ELLE US Magazine, Article (2002), Evening Standard (London) Magazine (2002) , JW Radio Transcript (2002) , New York Times, Article (12.13.2003), USA Today Magazine, Article (2002) , People Magazine, Article (05.2002) , New York Post , Article (2002) , W Magazine Article (04.2002), Empire Magazine, Article (04.2002), Heat Magazine, Article (04.2002)

" Filmographie " : Bridget Jones's Diary & The Edge Of Reason Sections.
" Videos " : Youtube Videos Upload.

Special Thanks To Sara for Donate Interviews :)

New Interviews
. : | : . posted on 8 Aug 2006 by Foxxy

" Interviews " : / Der Spiegel Magazine, Issue 33, Interview , Press Conference on "About a Boy" at the 2002 Taormina BNL FilmFest, Interview on "Extreme Measures"(11.20.1996), Total Film Interview on "Bridget Jones Diary", AOL Live on "Two Weeks Notice", Jay Leno Show

" Filmographie" : American Dreamz Section.

News and Comments Section Opens!
. : | : . posted on 6 Aug 2006 by Foxxy

Elizabeth Hurley a demandé à son ex, Hugh Grant d´être son témoin, lors de son prochain mariage avec Arun Nayar. Pour le moment, l´acteur n´a pas encore donné son accord mais, une chose est sûre, sa petite amie, Jemima Khan, n´apprécie pas cette attention et lui a demandé de refuser ! C'est vrai que, même si Hugh et Liz sont restés très proches, il y a des limites à ne pas dépasser !

Elizabeth Hurley asked to be best man at former lover Hugh Grant for her next wedding with Arun Nayar. The actor didn't give his agreement yet but, a thing is sure, his girlfriend, Jemima Khan, doesn't appreciate this attention and asked him to refuse! It is true that, even if Hugh and Liz remained very close, there are limits not to exceed!


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